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Time to change how we assess business rates for hydro

Anticipating the Chancellor’s Budget in March 2017, the chief executive of the British Hydropower Association (BHA) – of which we are members – Simon Hamlyn, warned that the business rates system for hydroelectric schemes was “fundamentally flawed” and needed “urgent attention”. We’re inclined to agree. Simon’s voice was one of many in the industry that has expressed concern about the Government’s business rates re-evaluation recently.  As a result of the recent changes, some small businesses in the renewables sector will now see their business rates increase by as much as 900%. Clearly, this kind of hike in taxation could be devastating…

A Source of Clean, Efficient and Reliable Energy | All Power To Hydro Power

Ever since man first used a waterwheel to break grain around two thousand years ago, water has been used as a source of clean, efficient and reliable energy. As early as the 1770s – and well before our Victorian forefathers had hydroelectricity figured out – water was powering spinning wheels in Lancashire cotton mills and the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution. It was the Victorian industrialist and inventor William Armstrong who first managed to generate electricity from falling water in 1878. Within just twenty years of his ground-breaking discovery hydropower had ‘boomed’ and there were hundreds of hydroelectricity plants in…
how to breathe new life into old industry

Reimagining the land: how to breathe new life into old industry

Wales has a proud industrial heritage: from coal, iron, steel and slate to cotton, wool, copper and tinplate, it has left an indelible mark on our landscapes and culture. It’s part of who we are. It might surprise you to know that – in this great farming nation of ours – two thirds of Welsh families in the mid-19th century made their living outside of agriculture. A little more than a century and a half ago, Wales was the world’s second industrial nation. But whilst farming is still a very significant part of our economy, those heavy industries of the…