Broadleaf silviculture and horse logging work delivering an ecosystem service in an Ancient Woodland Site of Special Scientific Interest
Snowdonia National Park
Have you ever watched the film ‘Jerry Maguire’ and the classic line “Show me the Money”?
What does the current uncertain economic climate mean for ideas and making them happen? Can we shout “Show me the money?”
Baileys and Partners challenge SNPA
Baileys and Partners made a consultation response to the proposed SPG 8: Visitor Accommodation. We felt that we had to respond on behalf of our clients…
Week in the life of an estate agent & chartered surveyor, North Wales
CPOs, issues with non-existent boundary fencing, planning verdict nerves and escaped chickens. It’s all par for the course in a week at Baileys & Partners.
Christmas Message
Christmas cheer and good wishes to all for a relaxing Christmas and prosperous New Year.
B&P Case Study: Ynni Padarn Peris Community Hydro Scheme
Ynni Padarn Peris is a sustainable renewable energy scheme using hydro power to create electricity. The energy is used by the local community, with any surplus sold into the National Grid.