The Woodland Investment Grant (TWIG) from The National Lottery Heritage Fund
natural capital
An ecosystem service: Broadleaf silviculture in action with horsepower
Broadleaf silviculture and horse logging work delivering an ecosystem service in an Ancient Woodland Site of Special Scientific Interest
Natural Capital Assets: Carbon Assets for Soil Health (CASH)
Soil = CASH? The Soil Association have launched a research project which aims to increase knowledge about soil and the data available on soil management and its carbon sequestration ability.
Natural Capital Assets: Trees, trees and more trees
With farming incomes going through significant change, can trees contribute to the financial and environmental sustainability of the farm?
The Economics of Biodiversity: A new income opportunity for Welsh Farmers?
You can be forgiven for not having read “The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review”
Natural Capital Assets: Restoring Ancient Woodlands
With farming incomes going through significant change what can trees contribute to the financial and environmental sustainability of the farm or Estate?
Funding for Natural Capital? The Celtic Rainforests Project
The Celtic Rainforests project helps fund a baseline assessment and helps identify the biodiversity enhancement potential of this natural capital asset.