A Hydropower investment and carbon offsetting opportunity

Is this your opportunity to increase the pool of renewable energy resource, through investment in a hydropower and carbon offsetting scheme which should also deliver biodiversity enhancement?

The market for carbon investments linked to the urgency of the climate agenda has significantly boosted interest in the voluntary market for different types of carbon offsets. There are various different carbon offsets and not all are nature-based ones i.e., woodland and peatland restoration. Carbon capture, energy efficiency and renewable energy also play a very important part in the ambition to achieve net zero.

Baileys and Partners are pleased to offer an exciting opportunity for investors to secure a legal interest in a partially consented hydroelectric scheme situated within the Snowdonia National Park. The investment opportunity is a high head run of river scheme with a potential installed capacity of in excess of 500kW. The current owners have already secured an abstraction and impoundment licence through the regulator Natural Resources Wales (NRW).

Surveys and planning work have commenced to support the timely submission of a planning application. To finalise matters the Local Planning Authority requires an Environmental Statement to facilitate an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). A significant amount of professional work and progress has been undertaken to action this.

In addition to producing renewable energy, the scheme has the capacity for facilitating biodiversity enhancement as it is located within an environmentally and culturally important setting. The income arising from scheme should also be able to contribute to ongoing positive management of the surrounding farmland.

Whilst the Feed in Tariff (FiT) support mechanism is not available for this scheme, we envisage the motivations to invest coming from those who are ambitiously trying to meet net zero carbon emissions whilst also considering their corporate reputation and corporate social responsibility and governance. The Environment Bill is also set to place new legal obligations on developers to make provision for biodiversity (net) gain, which will eventually require all developers to increase the biodiversity value of their development sites to 10% higher than was the case pre-development.

To discuss this opportunity further please contact either Jodie Pritchard or Ed Bailey of Baileys and Partners on 01341 241700

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