What a week! Work experience at Baileys and Partners, Emma Lloyd

Nid yw profiad gwaith yn rhywbeth mae disgyblion ysgol yn edrych ymlaen at, rydym yn cael profiad gwaith oherwydd mae’n edrych yn dda ar ein CVs. Ond, roedd fy mhrofiad gwaith i ychydig yn wahanol!

Doedd wythnos yn aros yn maes gwersylla i fyny yn rhaeadrau Cwm Nantcol ac yn gweithio gyda arbennigwyr tir a thai mewn swyddfa hyfryd gyda grwp o bobl croesawgar ddim rili yn dasg annodd!

Amrywiodd fy wythnos o fynd i Gaer i swyddfeydd hynod o smart, i helpu gwerthu darn o dir, i fynd o gwmpas stad a gweithio allan y ffordd orau iddynt cael incwm ohoni. Roedd gennyf diddordeb yn y maes yma o waith yn barod ond ddim yn hollol siwr beth oedd yn cynnwys, ond, ar ol fy wythnos yn gweithio gyda’r tim, dwi’n gwybod yn union be sy’n mynd ymlaen yn y swydd ac wedi disgyn mewn cariad gyda’r math o waith sydd yn cael ei gwneud yma.

Dwi’n dod o fferm godro ar Ynys Mon ac yn astudio yn Ysgol Uwchradd Bodedern ac felly dwi wedi arfer bod mewn amgylchedd ffermio, ond roedd gweithio mewn amgylchedd swyddfa yn ofnadwy o wahanol (er nes i fwynhau y profiad!). Mae yna gymaint o amrywiaeth o fewn y maes yma ac roeddwn i yn digon lwcus i allu weld yr wahanol prosiectau a cleientiaid ar draws y tri maes sef tir, hamdden ac egni ers i mi fod yma.

Roedd gallu ymweld ac ystadau a weld pa fath o waith oedd yn mynd ymlaen yna yn ofnadwy o diddorol a wnaeth agor fy llygaid i be sy’n mynd ymlaen tu ol i’r lleni. Mae Llanbedr yn penref ofnadwy o hyfryd ac roeddwn i yn digon lwcus i allu mynd am dro a cael prydau o fwyd rhai nosweithiau yn y pentref, roedd hyn yn gwneud iddo teimlo hyd yn oed yn fwy fel gwyliau!

Fe wnes i fwynhau y sialensau oedd wedi’i rhoi o mlaen i pob dydd yn ofnadwy ac wedi gwneud pethau swn i byth yn meddwl fyswn wedi gwneud! Dwi wedi mywynhau fy amser yma gymaint, dwi wedi archebu lle ar diwrnod agored yn Harper Adams yn ystod y hydref.

Mae fy rhieni yn graddedigion Harper ac roedd pawb yn y tim Baileys and Partners hefyd wedi graddio o Harper ac felly dwi ddim isio deutha nhw na ella mi nai fynd i edrych ar brifysgolion amaethyddol eraill!

Fyswn yn hoffi diolch i pawb a wnaeth helpu fi yn ystod y wythnos, Ed, Helen, Jodie a Tudur, am wneud i fi teimlo mor cyfforddus yma a dangos i mi y busnes!

Work experience isn’t something many teenagers look forward to, we do it because our teachers tell us to and because it will look good on our CVs. Although, my work experience was slightly different.

A week on a campsite up at the Nantcol Waterfalls working at a land and property specialists in a cosy office with a group of people that made me feel extremely welcome wasn’t really a chore! My week varied from being in an incredibly smart office up in Chester to helping sell a piece of land to going around an estate and working out what the best way to make an income out of it was. I am very interested in this field of work but was never too sure what it encompassed, but after my week here I know all the ins and outs of what the job involves and have found a love for the work.

I am from a dairy farm on the Isle of Anglesey and so am very used to being in a farming environment, but it was very different being in an office environment (although I did really enjoy it).There is such a variety within this field and I was lucky enough to be able to see many different projects and clients that were across the three fields: land, leisure and energy, whilst working here. Being able to visit estates and see what types of work go on there was extremely interesting and opened my eyes to what goes on behind the scenes.

Llanbedr is a beautiful village and we were lucky enough to be able to go for walks and meals some evenings which made it feel even more like a holiday! I didn’t feel like I was on work experience at all and every day I enjoyed the challenges that were put in front of me!

I have enjoyed my time here so much that I have booked onto an undergraduate open day at Harper Adams in the autumn. Both my parents are Harper graduates and everybody that I worked with in the Bailey & Partner team are ex-Harper, so I daren’t tell them I might even go and have a look around some other agricultural universities! I want to thank everybody that helped me this week, Ed Helen, Jodie and Tudur, for making me feel so welcome and really showing me the ropes!

The Baileys and Partners team were delighted to have Emma working with them for a week, hopefully the experience has consolidated her thoughts about the profession and not deterred her! www.baileysandpartners.co.uk

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